Annotated Bibliography

Graham-Jones, S., S. Reilly, and E. Gaulton. “Tackling The Needs Of The Homeless: A Controlled Trial Of Health Advocacy.” Health & Social Care In The Community 12.3 (2004): 221-232. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.

            This article is looking at an assessment of a study that had been conducted. The study was looking at whether a health advocate’s attempts of coming up with a way to improve the homeless’ quality of life was effective. The health advocacy intervention involved having homeless people move into hostels or other temporary living environments and registering at a health center. They used three means to determine if the attempt was a success. They used the Life Fulfillment Scale, the Delighted-Terrible Faces Scale, and the Nottingham Health Profile. They had many different types of people in the study. With one group they had support from a health advocate during their stay. The other group just had general care at the health center. Overall, the group with special care from the health advocate showed a better quality of life at the end of the study than people administered general care.

Martins, Diane Cocozza. “Experiences Of Homeless People In The Health Care Delivery System: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study.” Public Health Nursing 25.5 (2008): 420-430. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.

            This article is discussing how homeless people view the healthcare system. There are quite a few things that they see that is impeding their use of healthcare. They see lots of barriers between themselves and getting adequate healthcare. One of these barriers is feeling labeled and set apart from others in the healthcare system. They also feel like they are invisible to health care providers. This also makes them feel disrespected by people in the healthcare field. They don’t see a set system for healthcare for the homeless either. All of these things cause the homeless to put off healthcare until a crisis arrives. There are many things that the homeless people interviewed would change to make the healthcare system better.

Nickasch, Bonnie, and Suzanne K. Marnocha. “Healthcare Experiences Of The Homeless.” Journal Of The American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners 21.1 (2009): 39-46. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Oct. 2012.

This journal article is discussing the experiences that the homeless have with healthcare. Many homeless people find that they aren’t able to receive healthcare for various reasons. One of the major reasons is the financial difficulties that they face. They also have issues with meeting the physical needs required for life such as shelter, water, food, and air. They lack adequate transportation to places that provide healthcare. There is also the lack of compassion from health care officials. Lastly, most homeless people have an external locus of control which is when the environment has more control over their situation than they do. Overall homeless people are not satisfied with the health care system and there are many things that could be modified to make the system better.

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