Wisdom Walk

My place was beautiful. A moss covered clearing deep in the forest far away from everyone else. A softly bubbling brook with the bright blue sky peeking through the tops of the trees. A soft warm breeze gently blew my hair across my face as I laid in the clearing. I could smell the moist earth and the bright smell of the brook as the crisp, cool water rushed by. I got up walking barefoot down the path that had at one point been well used but was now covered with a damp layer of fallen leaves. My hands brushed over the small saplings and the hard bark of the trees older than me by far. I breathed in the damp air smiling as I thought of the fairies that could be overhead like in Terebithia at girl scout camp. I walked happily through the soft meadow, birds chirping and small wildflowers reaching out for my ankles as I walked by. I sat at this magnificent tree and realized I wasn’t alone. He was there and I was happy resting against his shoulder as we sat. Then a sudden pang of hurt hit me. It couldn’t be true. I got up trying to shake the feeling and walk away. He followed me and I walked faster. It hurt how my mind could betray me like this. Make me believe he was there when I knew he couldn’t be. I walked into the house and shut the door but he still came in. I walked into one of the rooms and shut the door behind me trying to shut him out knowing he wasn’t there, knowing he couldn’t be there because he was such a wonderful person that he put someone he didn’t know above himself. Knowing that he was in a better place but wishing he could still be here with me.

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